Monday, November 2, 2009

Writing Well

Ok so I just reread the paragraphs below. Hhhmmm. There are definately a few things I would change. But I think I will save that for another day.

I sat down finally on Sunday and went through a few character ideas & plots. Not to bad for starting out. It will for sure be a long process. Learning to write is one thing but learning how to write well is a whole nother story.
Tatta for now!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today the clouds are out of hiding. In fact the past couple of days the storms rolled in to dump the glorious holy water upon us. In Fresno it hardly rains the way we all intend it to do. As for summer you can taste the dry heat on your tongue as soon as you step outside. Each step I take closer and closer to the outside world. Knowing I’m closer to being drenched with liquid quench. If I take one more step to the left the blazing sun with burn my skin a light pink and in a few weeks it will itch as though a thousand ants were marching to their own tune over my Pepto-Bismol skin.

Thinking back we have almost always lived in a town where in the summer there are warnings on the radio and TV telling us to it’s too much of a cancer risk to go outside. How awful is that? I can hear parents telling there children.
“Oh sorry honey, you can’t play outside today or you’ll get cancer,” as they turn back to their evangelistic TV. Each adolescent teen turning to each other and whisper their sorrows to each other.

~This is just 2 paragraphs I was randomly writing. I'm pretty satisfied with them. Please give me any and all feed back. I mean good bad and ugly. Thanks so much.

Monday, March 23, 2009


So I just finished the House of Night Series by P.C. Cast and Kristan Cast. It was great! I can't wait until their next book. I am going to be starting the Historian. I'm hoping I can get into it. Today I also stopped by the library to see if they have anything on wiccan or pegan beliefs or goddesses. Not to much selection but I will have to go back and spen more time hunting. TTYL for now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Even though there are a million different writers out there. I still want to write. I haven't ever taken classes or read to many books on how to start. I don't know if I should start reading on how to or take classes but eventually I'll figure it out. Between working full time, wife, and motherhood. I will eventually get it. I'm starting with this site.